A lot of the colors are drab, the character models are dead-eyed and stiff, etc. Admittedly, against more modern games like Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, which was heavily influenced by Bethesda’s open-world RPG, you might notice some things didn’t age all that well. But yes, Skyrim looks and plays on the Switch like a little smoother version of the 360/PS3 versions. We find it funny that Life of Black Tiger might be compatible with the PS5.Skyrim is a six-year-old game that while very impressive for its time, ran pretty well on the Xbox 360, so it running well on the Nintendo Switch isn’t that impressive of a feat.

PS4 Games With Unlocked Framerates On Pro, 30fps Target PS4 Games That Will Have Upcoming PS5 Upgrades With that said, here’s the list of PS4 that work on your PS5, those that get upgraded to 60fps and above, and those that do not work at all. Digital updates and firmware updates these days can change the backwards compatibility situation. Keep in mind that this may change as the months pass.